Thursday, June 27, 2013

3 Key Phases in a Marriage

Partner readiness, in a every phase of the wedding live will determine the quality and sustainability of the relationship. It is important for couples to understand what happens in a relationship at some stage in the marriage.

When they were dating, the couple is committed to maintaining the relationship. Couple appreciate each other, in order to maintain the relationship. However, once married, research in the U.S. shows, half of marriages end in divorce, especially in the second, seventh and 20th wedding anniversary. What exactly happens in a relationship?

1. Honeymoon phase.
This phase is an ideal period in a marriage. Couples tend to have positive feelings. Always romantic relationship. Couples are always talking about things that they had never discussed before. Married couples understand and respect each other's views. At this phase the couples fell in deep love, so that their attitudes were likely to be more tolerant, flexible, to the spouse. So the assumption that love conquers all, applies to this phase. If any dispute arises, the couples married in the honeymoon phase will focus on a solution. This phase lasts between six months to two years.

  2. Stage of adaptation.
The most challenging phase in marriage relationship. Married couples no longer sees itself as a partner respectively. Conflict in relationships generally occurs around the issue of sex, intimacy, money, security, and problem children.

The high divorce rates have more to do with how couples dealing with conflict. Lack of ability and knowledge on how to build healthy relationships. Including how to understand the dynamics of love that naturally occurs. "

If only couples capable and committed to resolve conflicts that make them feel lonely, also decided to overcome the fear, anger and rejection, they can get through this phase better. Couples will have a new commitment in the relationship, and have a higher appreciation is also in love with her ​​partner.

 3. Stage of emptiness.
This phase marks the wedding anniversary 20th. Married couples are slowly removing the parenting responsibilities. The children began to grow up, and even began to live independently. In this period, married couples start thinking about what to do together enjoying the life.

Some couples begin to feel empty and disoriented. Some even started doing marriage counseling because of the threat of the couple began appearing. Like the couples threatened to go away if there was also no change in marriage, especially if there is a conflict. 

This phase is the right time for married couples to re-define their relationship, and make new priorities. Because the married couple's relationship at this stage was "first class".

Married couples who have a harmonious relationship at this stage is that they respect to each other, accept, and wants together with a partner. They are able to meet the challenges in marriage, together.